
Sunday, 18 August 2013

El Reloj - El Reloj II (Argentina - Heavy Prog - 1976)

The second album of this Argentine band, El Reloj, succinctly entitled "El Reloj II", is pretty less interesting than the self-titled debut; the songs are less inspired, with many progressive-jazzy moments, and again very good musicianship.
Nonetheless being a good-quality work, the songwriting gets too abstruse, and everything seems to turn around the progressive instrumental passages and the excesses of virtuoso.
Even so there is time for some real good song, among these 10 cuts that make up "El Reloj II", such the 11-minute "La ciudad desconocida" (the unknown city), fine track, though dark, like the whole album.
"Harto y confundido" is another enjoyable track, with more of the jazzy vibe that dominates the record, and lyrics about the psychologic and the obscure, but little more actually.
Admittedly "El Reloj II" is quite a pompous album, but is a nocturnal pomposity, arcane, full of a heavy prog/jazz and istrumental tracks that are mostly dissatisfying. Good quality, complex and overall dark, though not really focusing on a real good songwriting: so might be described this "El Reloj II", the album cover and its intriguing and night-time feel keep some appeal.


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